Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Kimberly Joy Castellotti and her husband, Thomas Ward, are the McGyvers of fun.
With some paper and glitter — maybe a funny hat and a few items from a dollar store — they can create a wacky game, a crazy holiday party and ultimately, their goal — a treasured family memory.
“We believe in making a party out of everyday life,” said Castellotti. She and Ward are Wellington Realtors and are devoted to their two sons, Anthony, 9 and Austin, 7.

They go to inexpensive but elaborate lengths for daily events as simple as bath time or as universal as losing a childhood tooth. Before long, friends and neighbors started showing up to see what creative ideas the duo had cooked up.

An Easter egg hunt might include clues hidden in hollowed-out eggs.

The Fourth of July meant a game of Bomb Bocce, tossing harmless smoke bombs into a hula hoop to score points.

Birthday photos are always taken with the same cartoon hat.

Mother’s Day one year involved a kid-written rap song; Father’s Day was a silly game show.

“We just wanted to get them away from computers,” said Ward, who comes up with most of the schemes. The Navy veteran even learned to do magic tricks and make balloon animals, just to amuse his boys.

The couple’s party-making joie de vivre became legendary, and soon people were urging them to put their ideas in a book.

When the real estate market stalled a few years ago, Castellotti and Ward finally had time to write their book. They worked on it at night, after their boys were asleep. Their goal is to teach parents simple, non-commercial ways to have more family fun.

This summer, they published Creating Holiday Magic and Family Traditions: Creative and Unique Ideas to Make Unforgettable Memories on Any Budget, which is available for $14.95 on Amazon or through their website, www.choiceplusrealestate/holidaybookpage.

“We wanted to put magic and awe into our kids’ lives,” Castellotti said. “As it turns out, a lot of other people wanted to learn to do the same thing.”

What’s your favorite movie?
Kimberly Joy: The Back to the Future trilogy. Tom: Caddyshack.
What’s playing on your iPod?
Kimberly Joy: Motley Crue and Katy Perry. Tom: Shinedown, Trace Adkins.
What’s your favorite place to take your kids?
The Singer Island beach. It’s all new, clean, and there is no fee for parking.
Do you have a motto?
Kimberly Joy: “You can have everything you want in this life. It is all about timing.” Tom: “Never worry about things you can’t control.”
Tell us the most important things in your lives.
Jesus and our family.

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